Food Studies

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Food Studies Overview

食品研究文学学士(BAFS)提供 a blend of practical skill-building and perspectives on food and agriculture through the analysis of social, cultural, economic, environmental, and historical topics. 课程包括为期一年的一系列课程 应用,经验,动手学习,和一个顶点项目. Students are prepared for multi-faceted careers and professional engagement in a wide variety of sectors in food and agriculture, 具备解决实际问题的技能, economic, community, 社会公正问题是当代食品系统工作的一个标志.
Degrees Offered
  • BA
Program School

Food Studies is a perfect major for students who want all the breadth of interdisciplinary courses, 从英语到社会科学, 但也需要商业带来的技能, project management, 农业应用和烹饪培训. Food and sustenance are one of the most important sectors of human life and experience and require a broad range of knowledge in order to work and thrive in the modern world.

—ALICE JULIER, PH.D.他是食品研究项目主任

Photo of the tiered amphitheater at Chatham University's Eden Hall Farm featuring a white dairy barn and larger barn.

Eden Hall Campus

位于匹兹堡以北20英里处,是福克可持续发展学院的所在地 & Environment, Chatham’s 388-acre, net-zero Eden Hall Campus is a living and learning laboratory. Faculty and students collaborate on projects involving food and sustainable agriculture, water, energy and climate, and community health.


  • 学生有机会在校园企业工作, including Café Ann; the Kitchen Lab, which will provide product development in collaboration with scaled food businesses as well as pop-up restaurant training; campus food service; the Grains project wood-fired oven (developing bread, pizza, 以及其他基于事件的机会).
  • BAFS的学生可以获得专业的职业顾问的支持, resources, and learning opportunities designed specifically for Falk School undergraduate and graduate students. Offerings include: one-on-one consultations; professional development workshops and programs; and connecting students with alumni to provide opportunities for mentorship, networking, job shadowing, 信息性面试, internships, and jobs.
  • 学生的第三年, unless they are participating in a Junior Year Experience that requires that they live elsewhere, 学生住在Eden Hall校区. EHC is a living and learning laboratory that offers BAFS students cutting-edge agricultural spaces and practices, 演示厨房, an aquaculture lab, orchards, 以及其他有利于食品跨学科研究的空间.
  • 通过课程应用农业1和2以及应用烹饪1和2, students have two semesters of experience and analysis across a wide range of practices, such as beekeeping; tree care; seed saving; animal husbandry; pastry and bread making; fermentation; and other forms of food preservation.
  • 通过《足球波胆平台》和《波胆网站》课程, students engage with local organizations; health and anti-hunger groups; and policy advocates who support the regional food economy.

FST 315:粮食获取和政策
如果食物是一项基本人权,那么社会如何创造普遍获得食物的机会? This course explores the ethical basis for making citizens food secure despite global inequality. Major topics include private versus public solutions and the relationship between food access, gender, 文化是否合适, nutrition, sustainability, and justice.

FST 215W:全球食品方式
A strategic survey of regional or global food ways in historical and contemporary contexts. 强调对饮食方式的人类学理解, 文化研究对阶级的批判, gender, 家庭动态通过食物表达出来, and historical transformations of food culture in response to migration and globalization. Areas of global emphasis may include Asia, Africa, Regional North America, and Amazonia.

FST 345:应用农业经验
Focuses on seasonal agricultural production such as tree care, honey extraction, and seed saving. 每周阅读将基本农业概念与体验式学习联系起来, 通过观察日志(植物生长)探索, pest pressure, pasture growth, soil fertility).  Students gain a well-rounded embodied understanding of agricultural activities from late summer through early spring. 

FST 365:咖啡:历史,政治,实践
This applied course includes hands-on and practical experiences at local coffee roasters with different business models. Participants will train in the Eden Hall student cooperative café at Eden Hall including cupping, barista, and tasting skills. 相关读数, discussions, 作业涉及与咖啡相关的挑战性问题, including labor, global procurement, and labeling.

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Our Faculty

如果用一个词最好地概括查塔姆国际事务学院的能力,那就是“敬业”. 教授们带来了经验,将课程与现实世界的情况联系起来.

Full Faculty
Logo: Chatham C
Professor, Food Studies Director, Center for Regional Agriculture Food and Transformation (CRAFT)

Funding Opportunities

蕾切尔·卡森健康地球奖是一项全国性奖项,奖金为5美元,英国波胆网站奖学金. It is awarded to one student nominated from each high school and community college across the United States who embodies the spirit of Rachel Carson in his or her dedication to sustainability and community development. 查塔姆国际事务学院为即将入学的一年级学生提供许多奖学金和助学金, 包括蕾切尔·卡森奖学金, 全额学费奖学金,为期四年.

查看融资机会 棋盘1 -融资机会

Community on Campus

Eden Hall的社区面包烤箱最初是一个研究生项目. Frankie Williams, a 食品研究硕士 学生,想在校园里建一个聚会场所. “这是我生命中最美好的回忆和时光," she said, 从我记事起,就一直以食物为中心. 食物让人们聚在一起." 

Watch More Videos 棋盘2 -校园社区
Photo of the white dairy barn at Chatham University's Eden Hall Farm with people walking outside around it and rolling fields in the background.


学生的第三年, unless they are participating in a junior year experience that requires that they live elsewhere, 学生住在Eden Hall校区. EHC is a living and learning laboratory that offers BAFS students cutting-edge agricultural spaces and practices, 演示厨房, an aquaculture lab, orchards, 以及其他有利于食品跨学科研究的空间. 虽然居住在伊甸园大厅只需要在第三年, students can choose to live and study at Eden Hall during Years 2 and 4 to take advantage of the unlimited opportunities EHC presents to Bachelor of Arts in Food Studies students.

Photo of three people tending to a garden bed in a greenhouse at Chatham University's Eden Hall Farm.


In their junior year, students have a sequence of courses that puts them in direct engagement with agricultural and culinary practices and with community-based work in food systems and nutrition. The junior year sequence makes use of resources including the Eden Hall Bread Oven; the Food Innovation Lab at the 区域农业、食品和转型中心(CRAFT); teaching kitchen; agroecology demonstration garden; Food Bank farm; orchards and apiaries; animals such as chickens, ducks, and goats, as well as faculty research on chocolate; coffee; regional grain production and bread; local social justice organizations; food and fermentation businesses; policy-making groups; and the regional food policy council.

Food Studies



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A space to gather, create, and collaborate, 伊甸园大厅校园的厨房实验室 provides students and community members with the equipment, facilities, and know-how they need to learn about food production in an environment that’s totally hands-on… and totally tasty, too.

Photo of three young women working to remove an invasive plant in an Eden Hall Campus forest


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